Games like trouble in terrorist town
Games like trouble in terrorist town

  • Disposing of a Body: One particularly useful aspect of the Magneto Stick is allowing traitors to move bodies to more out-of-the-way areas, or where they're entirely unreachable.
  • games like trouble in terrorist town

    Demonic Possession: Objects can be possessed by players who died in the round.Death by Falling Over: The crowbar has a 'nudge' attack, allowing Traitors to push unsuspecting innocents off ledges.Beneath Suspicion: Skilled traitors are usually able to pull this off.Blatant Lies: Played for Laughs with the end quote: "The Lovable, Innocent Terrorists have won the round.".Ascended Game Mod: Was originally just a mod before Garry made it an official game mode.Tropes used in Trouble in Terrorist Town include: It's up the innocent players to find out who's a traitor using information from corpses and suspicious players to find out who the traitors are and kill them before they're killed themselves.įor more information, you can visit the site here. Even though the traitors are the minority of players, the innocents do not know who's a traitor and who isn't. Traitors can buy equipment such as body armor or a C4 with credits, but most importantly, they have the element of surprise. The traitors' goal to is kill off all the remaining players before time runs out. As mentioned earlier, one out of every four terrorists is a traitor. Gameplay is essentially a cross between Clue, Counter-Strike and the often forgotten crossover between Die Hard and And Then There Were None. 1 out of every 4 terrorists in the town have turned on the cause, and have united together for a single, simple mission: Let none live. That trouble, as it happens to be, is that some of their group are not as loyal as one might first think. Trouble in Terrorist Town is a gamemode for Garry's Mod in which there are a group of ragtag terrorists who happen to have trouble among them. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE.

    games like trouble in terrorist town

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    games like trouble in terrorist town

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    Games like trouble in terrorist town